Friday, March 9, 2012


Definition: A point where two systems interact; To interact with.
Synonym: Intermix
Antonym: N/A
Sentence: The students can control the software using the graphical interface.

Expedition-Definition: A journey taken with a particular purpose.
Synonym: Dispatch
Antonym: Hindrance
Sentence: The pirates set out on an expedition for treasure.

Definition: Wild or Distraught; Conducted in a hurry.
Synonym: Frenzied
Antonym: Composed
Sentence: The old lady was frantic because she couldn't find her cane.

Definition: A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.
Synonym: Brouhaha
Antonym: Harmony
Sentence: It sounded like a large cacophony when the kids found the pots and pans.

Definition: Not allowing of something to pass through; Unable to be affected by.
Synonym: Impermeable
Antonym: Penetrable
Sentence: The raincoat that the girl bought was 100% impervious.

Definition: Appear as a shadowy form.
Synonym: Impending
Antonym: Depart
Sentence: The thought of her losing the race was looming over her head for days.

Definition: Bewilderment; confusing resulting from failure to understand.
Synonym: Befuddlement
Antonym: Enlighten
Sentence: The girl stared at her test in bemusement because she was absent from school a lot.

Definition: Exposed to the ability of being attacked or harmed.
Synonym: Susceptible
Antonym: Protected
Sentence: The young boy was vulnerable to being bullied as soon as he stepped off the bus.

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