Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Best Friend

My best friend is Spencer Pyles and he has been for almost two years now. I met him about 5-6 years ago when we were hanging out with mutual friend in Yellow Springs where he lives. I don't get to see him too much because he is not as close and he doesn't have his driver's license but we always make time to see each other no matter what is going on. My favorite memory with Spencer is the day that we camped overnight at Bluesfest in Yellow Springs. I met, literally, about 20 of his school friends, ate amazing bourbon chicken, and listened to some great music. It was an amazing day with no worries. Spencer and I plan on getting and apartment together in Kettering if we both get accepted into our dream college which is the School of Advertising Art in two years. Spencer helps me with anything and everything and I wouldn't be the same without him. I honestly feel like he will be in my life for a really long time.

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